Convention of States
Senator Becky Beard for SD38
From January 2024 Club Newsletter
Posted 2/1/2024
Convention of States
Article V of the US Constitution
“Article V of the Constitution describes the process for altering the Constitution, by proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification. The states and/or Congress can initiate the process of amending the Constitution. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any proposed amendments.”
Ask yourself:
Is Article V the only way to amend the Constitution?
How do recent judicial interpretations and associated language stray from our Founders’ original intentions?
Is it possible to exercise legal right to alter or abolish Government?
Are we experiencing gaping divisions within our nation?
Are our elected officials rudderless?
Do we have national character of courage and strength?
Are we guaranteed the limit of addressing a single issue only – or is this an opening?
History reminds us, the 1787 Congress tried to limit the Philadelphia Convention but the delegates ignored instructions and ended up rewriting the Articles of Confederation, enacting an entirely different structure of government.
Does this explain why, in 2014, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said, “I certainly would not want a Constitutional Convention (in this century). I mean whoa. Who knows what would come out of that.”
It’s heartening to know that more people are now reading the U.S. Constitution. Yet, it’s alarming to realize there are people who don’t know anything about it—how important it is. To that end, there are a number of elected officials in Congress who operate in full contradiction to it, as if it doesn’t even exist. I believe that opening the opportunity to hold a convention to revise or amend the Constitution would open the door to unintended consequences for a new variety of shenanigans (“not to waste an opportunity”).
Please keep up the efforts to educate as many of our neighbors as possible. Our public schools in our larger communities certainly need to do more. I continue to contemplate the merits for an Article V Convention. I believe we have issues to address here in Montana first: 1) Be a high-information voter. We are accountable for electing and re-electing our public figures. Term limits are on us. 2) We need to elect Montana legislators who do a better job with the budget – both spending and taxing. We need to STOP taking so many federal tax dollars; they don’t grow on anyone’s trees!
Yes, we need to cut spending – that’s on you and me! During the 2023 Session, the legislature passed the $14.4 billion appropriations bill. It included nearly $7.2 billion in federal dollars. We need to better evaluate accepting federal tax dollars and the associated smothering regulations. We are putting at risk Montana’s right to set our own course! We need to insist that our elected officials adhere to the U.S. Constitution and our Montana Constitution.
It’s up to Us right here in Montana!